One eye-attracted version of the Air Jordan 4 series named
Air Jordan 4 GS Fire Red Nubuck which was the forth generation of Air Jordan brand and designed by Tinker Hatfield was carried out that enjoys best seller.At the first glance of the shoes,you will be attracted by the vivid colorway design.The whole white leather are covered on its appearance with basket mesh upper, a red acent was featured in the inner lining and tie system of the shoes,the accent are decorated in the sole and heel of the shoe,this kind of creative design that not only guarantee the unsurprassed quality of the shoe while at the same time stylish and appealing.To be a copy version to the previous classic, it not only retained the classic element of the shoe while at the same time brought in the new and advanced technology to offer excellent functional performance.The Zoom Air cushioning,Air Sole unit,quick lace system were also noticeable here. To any sneaker lover or design fans,how can they resisted the temptation of such a version?Then,enjoy your shopping! All the
Jordans 4 GS here are with high quality,comfort,ease shipping from our
Real Nike Running Shoes website.
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 29 February, 2016.